Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011 from the WSJ article Countdown to a Food Coma

 This is the aftermath of Thanksgiving, 2011. Below are the cliffnotes from “Countdown to a Food Coma” from a Wall Street Journal article published on 11/22/11. read the full article

Here are strategies for Before, During, and After the biggest meal of the year:
       Day Before: Go for a 30 minutes stroll or more vigorous activity. The benefits of exercise on how fat is processed after a big meal kick in many hours later.
       8AM: Eat a healthy breakfast to rev up metabolism.
       11AM: Avoid the temptation to snack in the kitchen.
       4PM: Thanksgiving Dinner
       After the Feast: Take a leisurely walk. Skip the late-night leftovers, and get back to regular meal sizes and schedules.

Commentary: I didn’t follow a single one of these steps and feel like I've been eating every 4 hours since Thanksgiving eve. From a dietary standpoint, I’m ready to go back to work!

From a thankfulness, family togetherness and filling of the heart (versus the tummy) standpoint, it was a healthy, fulfilling, rejuvenating holiday! I wish it would last a day or two longer!

Donuts anyone?


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