Monday, July 20, 2009

Need more volunteers?

Off the subject of social media for a while...REA Magazine is known for offering promising practices for Association Executives (AEs) in all areas of association management. I think the editor, Carolyn Schwaar is a master at editorializing many "right on" themes. I recently wrote an article for the Magazine; AEs who don't seem to ever have enough willing volunteers to fill committees might take a gem or two from your fellow CEOs:

Building a successful association hinges on finding volunteers to give their time, energy, and talent. Yet some associations continually struggle to attract volunteers. These days, some fear even asking members who are experiencing a challenging business environment. Here are some new (and some tried - and- true) tips for recruiting volunteers.

1. Ask them in person. Ask 10 members why they got involved in their local or state association, and nine out of ten will say, “Because someone asked me.” Soliciting for volunteers is, after all, just like selling anything else. Cold calling is a difficult way to sell. People do business with people they like. CEO of the Kansas City Regional Association of REALTORS® Diane Ruggiero advises, “You must ask them in person if you really want to get someone to say yes. Go to their office, meet them for coffee, or ask them out for lunch. Make them feel important and always tell them the purpose, the WIIFM (what’s in it for me), and the time involved.”

2. Build trust by being honest. It’s critical to be completely up-front about the commitment involved. Pinellas REALTOR® Organization CEO Ann Guiberson agrees. “Tell volunteers whether it’s a task force that’s going to meet once or twice for two hours each or if it’s an ongoing commitment.” Always overestimate the time commitment slightly just in case a project takes longer than expected. Also, always explain the purpose of the assignment and its importance to the association. Otherwise, a potential volunteer may not think the work is worth his or her time.

3. Find ways to use members’ expertise. Find out what skills and abilities your volunteers bring to you and then match them to committee assignments (but don’t assume someone has skills or particular interests; ask first). A good skill-to-task match makes volunteers feel not only comfortable, but that their expertise is useful to the association. For Vice President of Administrative Services at the Kansas Association of REALTORS® Christy Stinger, the matching process was really common sense. “Two of our members have accounting backgrounds. With so many REALTORS® who are well versed on financials and budgets, those people make sense on a budget and finance committee. Another woman who wrote op-eds for the local paper was appointed to the governmental affairs committee for her ability to explain and communicate her opinions.”

4. Explain the benefit from the members’ point of view. Jim Helsel, 2009 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ® treasurer, has volunteered since the beginning of his long career. He suggests focusing on the payoff from volunteering. First, Helsel tells potential volunteers that they’ll not only get personal satisfaction and enjoyment from volunteering, but that they’ll also have fun. “Emphasize the networking and learning opportunities in volunteering,” he says. “There’s not a person I’ve met during this journey that hasn’t helped me in my career when I’ve needed it,” Helsel recalls. He credits his volunteer work with bringing referrals from across the country.

5. Follow your instincts. Helsel advises AEs to watch for and nurture prospective volunteers. “Many times it is the AE that sees a reason to push someone to ‘go to the next level’ and use their talents to work for the association and for their industry,” he says. “AEs learn to spot talent. No one sees more than an AE.”


Friday, July 17, 2009

What about us old dogs?

Business, gaining prospects, on-line networking, talking about what you do...does it all fit together?

From my most recent association member survey conducted in June, I learned something surprising. While the Young Professionals segment (gen x and gen Y) fall into the 20% range of the total association membership, 38% use some kind of social technology!

Could that mean that the boomers and even civics are beginning to adopt to this type of technology to make more connections?

I continue to get feedback that confirms this trend. While teaching a writing class at an association this week, I asked for a raise of hands for those who use social networking technology - either facebook or Linked In (specifically). While about 20% of the class said "yes", at least five were tenured professionals.

Joe, a 63 year old veteran commented he had received four leads from Facebook this year. Honest! He acknowledged he has been referred to as 'you dog', but never call him an old dog. Joe, and others have begun to realize online is a place where people can spread their word, and without a single advertisement, it can lead to new prospects.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Social Networking - I was thinking just what you might be thinking!

There was a time I was stuck on the belief that I am not social, and I don't do well at networking. So, this must mean social networking is not for me.

The more I read, listened, asked, and grumbled, the more conflicted I was feeling.

One day, I invited a friend out for a drink. In return, I had an hour to ask him all the idiot questions I had about tip toeing into Social Networking.

Social - I came to realize, was simply a common place where groups of people gather.

Networking was linking up to friends, family, colleagues, and other people to extend my reach in order to find my way to other people.

In the past, social networking - in my mind - should be a direct line between tapping the keys on the keyboard and magically getting more business, or finding the person who could help me make a connection. This just isn't so.

The turning point was realizing everything we do is grounded in who we know. And the more connections we have is a good starting point for helping AEs learn right along with me how this technology can help associations.

This blog is for my Association Executive friends and colleagues. It is a safe place to ask the "idiot questions" (this is my term) and listen to what other people are saying about this technology that is growing in terms of importance and relevance.

Stay tuned and feel free to join in. This is all about learning from each other. We're about to get started.