Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Your Audience is on the Go

Imagine this: you are waiting in your car, standing in line at the post office or grocery store, or waiting for a meeting to begin. You are on the train, the bus, or in a taxi. Long gone are the days we sat and enjoyed the quiet time. Today we grab our mobile device to check email or social media. Let’s face it, email was made for mobile devices.

At the NAR conference the past week, I saw more members and staff multitask on their mobile devices than looking at where they were going. Did you notice the same thing?

“On mobile devices, email is far and away the No. 1 activity of how consumers spend their time", says Loren McDonald, Vice President of Industry Relations at Silverpop.

As you craft your weekly email and other marketing pieces, think about your target audience, and write for them. They want snippets of information while sitting at a soccer game, waiting for a lunch date, or even sitting in a meeting. To reach your members, design you content for any device. Don’t expect members to read a long article on the run. Write each topic for your weekly update with no more than 2-3 lines of text. Link to more if members can and want to read it. Insert links that members can touch to read further.

Think of the world as it is, not as the association sees it. It takes some effort to craft a short snippet. If you do, you will connect with more members in prime time - while they are on the go.