Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Play Back What You Learned for a Payback to Your Members

After attending two well-run conferences this past week, I am energized by your open minds. Your willingness to share, and the time you spent together  will better your associations.

Organizations make an investment to bring staff and volunteer leaders together. These conferences were full of excellent programming, collaboration, and networking.

It occurred to me while riding the down escalator this morning: Let’s face it, member dues are in some part what makes meetings like this work. How do members back home get an ROI from your time at the conference? How can leaders and staff best communicate back your learnings from the week? And what will you change for the better?

Association staff, you are better at what you do because of what you learned. Communications directors spent the better part of two days in “continuing education”. The sessions were intense. Can you identify two or three gems that you will take home with you? Will you write them down and share them with your counterparts? Will you apply the knowledge to connect better with your members or fall back into your old ways?

Association leaders spent a lot of time talking, listening, thinking, and collaborating at this meeting. You are in idea overload. Can you find the energy to report to your staff and even your members about the best information you bring home with you? Can you think of two ideas that are worth pursuing that you never though of before?

Being there is not enough. Representing your members is not enough. I wish you the determination to communicate what’s in it for the member. Make sure your members know the changes you make. That’s a return on both your and their investment.

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